World edit commands 2020

World edit commands  

WorldEdit is on nearly every Minecraft server which this is as it's a massive assistance to construct the incredible spawns and builds which you see on hosts. In addition to this, WorldEdit makes it quite simple to replicate builds from 1 host to another, and you may also utilize WorldEdit to eliminate things from the own server with the //reduce attribute. Should you have to replace 1 cube with another, you are able to certainly do this together with the //substitute [from obstruct] [to obstruct]. This plugin is often utilized with WorldGuard, yet another extremely common plugin.

And that’s only scratching the surface of all WorldEdit can perform. Need to make a cylinder? WorldEdit can perform it. Transfer something from 1 host to another? WorldEdit can get it done with a schematic. What about copying a thing in your own server? You can do this by creating a choice and doing //replicate and //glue where you're gluing the construct. In general, WorldEdit is a super comprehensive plugin with a lot of different alternatives, and in fact it is a must-have any hosted Minecraft server.

This plugin has rather literally countless distinct Functions which permit you to alter the world about you or eliminate unique issues that might irritate your own world. Some of the essential attributes are as follows:

  • Change thousands of cubes in a place at once by choosing areas.
  • Utilize over 100 works to alter the planet or eliminate issues.
  • Remove massive chunks of property as you desire.
  • Sculpt the entire world and assemble mountains with brushes.
  • Repair annoyances like broken water, inducing snow, raging fires, and much more.

The foundation command for WorldEdit is //wand, this Will provide you an instrument (generally a wooden strand although the physical thing can be altered from the plugin's config file) from there you can do pretty much whatever you would like regarding entire modification.



  • //wand : Gives you the foundation WorldEdit wand
  • //undo : Undo your last action
  • //redo : Redo your last undone action
  • //pos1 & //pos2 : Sets positions where your player model’s feet are
  • //expand : Expands the choice the direction You're looking
  • //set : Set all cubes in a chosen area to a Particular block
  • //replace : Replace all of non-air cubes in a region
  • //regen : Regenerates the terrain in a selected area
  • //copy : Copies the place in Your choice
  • //cut : Cuts outside the Region in Your choice
  • //paste : Pastes your cut or copy with terms of where you were when you completed the control
  • //flip : Alter the clipboard that you have replicated
  • //rotate : Rotate the clipboard which you have replicated
  • //schem : Lets You create a schematic of everything you have replicated

Full Commands List


WorldEdit is a lively plugin Which Can Be used for many various items like:

  • developing a construction or city
  • Editing terrain to match more with your construct
  • Copying and pasting a variety of assembles that you'd love to spread about or rescue schematics
  • Protecting a spawn area
  • Much more